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2024 Year in Review: Milestones That Defined the Past Year

Brand Positioning through Message Development & Content Production

12.15.2023 | 5 MIN READ


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the medical technology industry sought to further educate D.C.-based policy elites about their work, products, and economic impact while building goodwill among lawmakers in anticipation of regulatory battles.


Narrative developed messaging and subsequent creative that utilized message testing, economic data, and emotional appeals to show the medical technology industry’s value to individuals and communities. The goal was to demonstrate that millions of Americans rely on and benefit from innovation spurred by the medical technology industry. The team designed and deployed digital and print ads and a 30-second video ad to reach target audiences.

Message Development – Used focus group research and survey data to gauge industry perceptions and develop the most effective messaging points for audiences. Narrative crafted messages that utilized both quantitative data and emotional appeals.

Content Creation – Developed materials to showcase the industry’s economic reach and its genuine impact on individual lives. Digital and print ads highlighted how the medical technology industry continued to power American innovation, drive economic growth, and create jobs during uncertain times. A 30-second spot showed how medical devices help bring “moments that matter” to Americans of all ages and walks of life.


As the foundation of a full-scale public affairs campaign, the Narrative-produced video won a Pollie Award for National Television Advertisement for Issue Advocacy and a Reed Award for Best TV Ad for Public Affairs.



At Narrative, our people are our most valuable resource. We are proud to have an exceptional team of communications strategists, analysts, writers, marketers, and creative producers who bring unparalleled expertise and experience to the table.

Katie Kinsella-1
Kat Sellers
Patrick OConnor
Avery Monsees
Greg Blair
Ellie OShei