Narrative Strategies’ Managing Director Matt Moon and Senior Director of Strategic Research Heather Owens recently led a webinar hosted by Quorum to discuss how research can inform, guide, and bolster public affairs strategies.
Matt and Heather combine to bring decades of research experience to Narrative Strategies and have sharpened their research expertise on political campaigns, at agencies, and on behalf of companies across a wide variety of sectors.
High-quality research can be the difference-maker in turning a good public affairs strategy into a great one. Google is at everyone’s fingertips, but public affairs campaigns demand more than just a simple web search. They require a thorough examination of all available records and data to build actionable intelligence that informs and optimizes strategies.
Narrative provides clients with a full suite of research capabilities so they can understand strengths and vulnerabilities, their stakeholders, their opposition, the effectiveness of their tactics, and the way their issues are discussed by decisionmakers.
For a full briefing on the importance of research and how it can build and solidify messages, give decision-makers every available piece of information, and provide a full view of the facts to drive and shape media coverage, watch this recap of the Quorum webinar featuring Matt and Heather: